Opening on September 12 at 6.00 pm
From September 13 to October 11, from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm, closed on Saturdays and Sundays
Over the last eight years, Stefan Dornbush has produced a series of drawings, self-questioning about the relationship between the three dimensional object (call it reality) and its two dimensional representation(s). Usually given for granted, this relationship exploits easy mental pre-concepts and visual conventions. Even before than being an art form “drawing” has been the elementary, original way to represent the form of any object, the map of a town, the interiors of a house, the scheme of a building. While developing ideas or discussing, often we find ourselves to look around for pen and paper. This to say, that drawing can be “art” but also a way of represent and – more important to our point – to understand reality and develop our thinking. For centuries, painters and sculptors had used drawing as the essential part of the process to approach the “definitive form” of their idea: which has to be reached through a series of tentatives. Drawing is therefore part of the process of thinking and can be definitive and provisional together. Reflecting closely on these visual conventions, and following traditional perspective representation, but driving them a bit out of track, Dornbush arrives to paradoxical, sometimes humoristic solutions.